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Where to find Thalgo?
Treatments Body treatments Wraps Marine SPA Body Wrap
Timing 30 minutes
Where can I have this treatment?
The "Thalassotherapy" body wrap by excellence, this 100% pure and natural, patented algae cream, rich in minerals, vitamins and trace elements, helps achieve a fit body and general revitalising.
The body is prepared for a slimming treatment or ready to face everyday stress.
All skins types
The skin is remineralized. The body is revitalized.
Exfoliating Marine Soap
Cleanses - Exfoliates
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Revitalising Marine Shower Gel
Cleanses - Revitalises
Revitalising Marine Scrub
Exfoliates - Revitalises
Micronised Marine Algae
Remineralising - Revitalising
Hypertonic marine plasma
24H Hydrating Body Milk
Revitalises . Protects