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Where to find Thalgo?
Treatments Body treatments Massages Rebalancing Indian Massage
Timing 1 hour
Where can I have this treatment?
This energetic massage, derived from the Indian Ayurvedic tradition, rebalances inner energy. To the rhythm of intense techniques, rubbing, percussion movements and deep smoothing strokes, performed with a base of precious wood oils, body and mind recover their essential vitality. Also available as a complete Ritual: Indocéane Spa Ritual.
For anyone looking for serenity and harmony
• Soothed mind • Moment of serenity • Relaxed body
Aromatic Shower Oil
Cleanses – Fragrances
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Precious Milk Bath
Relaxes - Scents
Ginger Exfoliating Scrub
Exfoliates - Smooths
Soothing Massage Oil
Nourishes – Relaxes
Mer des Indes Room Fragrance
Amber Sandlwood