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Activ Refining Blocker
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Nutricosmetics Marine Food Supplements Activ Refining Blocker
45 tablets
Combining nopal NeOpuntia® and Chlorella microalgae, this nutritional supplement absorbs dietary fats and sugars to prevent them being absorbed or stored by the body. Ideal for dietary slips.
Active Ingredients
A nutricosmetic with immediate action, it combines clinically tested nopal NeOpuntia®(1), which absorbs dietary fats and sugars to prevent their assimilation and storage, with an extract of Chlorella microalgae.
Poudre de tige (cladode) de Figuier de Barbarie Opuntia ficus indica, cellulose microcristalline, phosphate dicalcique, talc, stéarate de magnésium, extrait sec de micro-algue chlorelle Chlorella vulgaris Beijerinck.
The lists of ingredients used in the composition of all THALGO products are regularly updated. Before using any THALGO product, we recommend that you read the list of ingredients on the packaging.
3 tablets per day
Activ Detox
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Activ Refining Burner