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Where to find Thalgo?
Body Marine Slimming Nutrition Marine SPA Treatment
Timing 1 hour
Where can I have this treatment?
Exclusive Thalgo marine SPA facial treatment, the very essence of the Micronised Marine Algae patent that revitalises and remineralises the skin through the richness of marine active elements. ~ 100%* Instantly beautiful skin effect ~ 100%* Skin visibly fresher ~ 100%* Skin replenished in minerals as if after a dip in the sea ~ 100* More toned skin ** Treatment test under dermatological control carried out on 15 women aged between 25 and 60 years old (even distribution). Application of the treatment to the entire face and scoring performed (complexion luminosity, complexion radiance, skin texture fineness, skin texture smoothing) before the treatment and 15 minutes after the treatment and photos (photo bank) before the treatment and after step 3.
For tired, dull skin lacking tone.
Exfoliating Marine Soap
Cleanses - Exfoliates
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Revitalising Marine Shower Gel
Cleanses - Revitalises
Revitalising Marine Scrub
Exfoliates - Revitalises
Micronised Marine Algae
Remineralising - Revitalising
Hypertonic marine plasma